The 24 Luvias LT fully impresses with its low weight and silky-smooth rotation. The combination of the innovative Airdrive Design with the special surface treated Tough Digigear takes the 24 Luvias to the next quality level.
Features DAIWA‘s latest technology – Airdrive Design. Evolution of LT and Real Four, providing ultimate control. Airdrive Design is the next generation of spinning reel design concept. The 24 Certate implements this cutting-edge technology in the front unit, providing anglers with superior operability with maximum power and rigidity.
With the N‘Zon Tele Feeder rods, DAIWA now additionally offers telescopic feeder rods in the popular N‘Zon product range, that can be transported in a space-saving manner. The N‘Zon Tele Feeder rods are supplied with two quivers.
The Vertice Camo Carp rods are made of the same base blanks as the Vertice Carp rods with shrink tube handle. The thin and slim blank with powerful tip action provides outstanding casting distances and offers enormous power reserves whilst fighting a fish.
The very slim HMC+ carbon blanks in the Vertice series have been completely redesigned and improved. The fast and well-balanced blank provides long casting distances with high accuracy and features a distinct tip action with strong power backbone.
The slim and quality made Ninja X Tele Carp rods are made from a slim and lightweight HMC+ carbon blank and satisfy by their outstanding casting performance and good balance.
The slim blanks of the Ninja X carp rods made from HMC+ carbon fully load up when casting and can provide enormous casting distances. During the fight, the progressive action of the rods provides the ideal buffer to absorb heavy head shakes and fast runs.
With the two Stalker models in 10ft and test curves of 2.00 and 3.00lb, you are ideally equipped for short range fishing and for boat fishing. The Stalker rods featuring a size 40 butt guide. These rods are also well suited for dead bait fishing for pike or zander.
The new, super slim and well-balanced blanks made of HMC+ carbon provide a convincing casting and fighting performance and always offer full control. The two Stalker models in 10ft length cover the most important areas of short-range and boat fishing for carp.
The new, super slim and well-balanced blanks made of HMC+ carbon provide a convincing casting and fighting performance and always offer full control. The huge lineup of the Black Widow XT series offers the right rod for almost every application in modern carp fishing.
The very light and slim carbon blanks of the Ninja Bolognese rods load up over almost the entire length during casting and float rigs up to 25g achieve outstanding casting distances.
A series of 3 freshwater reels designed with a spool specific for distance casting. A regular size 7000 for the carp angler that needs to cast long distances to reach the fish but also two sizes smaller reels for the stalker or feeder angler ...
Naviják s přední brzdou JRC XTX LC je fantastický naviják s "long cast" cívkou pro daleké hody. Super uhlazený černý design a červené detaily JRC jsou konečnou tečkou pro tohoto nádherného, ale silného pracovního koně!
Insider 7 FD, inspirovaný duchem safari, je ideální pro ty rybáře, kteří milují dobrodružství a potřebují naviják, který dokáže fungovat v náročných podmínkách. Tento všestranný naviják s přední brzdou má řadu špičkových funkcí.
Venerate Cork Spin je nová řada přívlačových prutů od světoznámé firmy Abu Garcia. Díky dlouholetým zkušenostem se podařilo uvést na trh speciální řadu prutů, které uspokojí nejen méně zkušené, ale i profesionální rybáře po celém světě.
A series of 3 freshwater reels designed with a spool specific for distance casting. A regular size 7000 for the carp angler that needs to cast long distances to reach the fish but also two sizes smaller reels for the stalker or feeder angler ...
Tato splétaná šňůra vás ohromí svými vlastnostmi. Ultra úzká splétaná struktura poskytuje neuvěřitelnost jemnost a hladkost. To v kombinaci se speciálním procesem mazání vrchní vrstvy dává velice homogenní šňůru s malým průměrem.
Meteora has an unmistakable spicy taste and aroma, a strong base in fish meal, sea and liver extracts, as well as krill, algae, Robin Red and other great ingredients.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
Tripod Elite 3 Rod patří jistě k nejoblíbenejším modelům tripodu na našem trhu. Tento stojan je v první řadě velmi kvalitní,stabilní, lehký a zároveň nabízí širokou škálu variability nastavení.